Business telecom backup

Business Disaster Recovery Made Easy

What would you do if you arrived to work to find your business server gone?

Stolen. Burned in a fire. Whatever the cause, the way you configure your server is lost. Your user permissions and accounts are gone, too. So, while you might have a data backup, your total IT environment is down for weeks.

Indeed, it takes on average 12 working days to restore a server and 50 hours to reconfigure it. That's under the best circumstances. If your server is more than 3 years old and not in production anymore it will take longer.

In response to Disaster Preparedness Month, Caisson has partnered with Digital Seattle to help you prevent this crisis.

Our Business Disaster Recovery (BDR) service employs server virtualization, which is the act of taking an exact image of your IT environment, including your server and placing it on a computer in the Cloud.

Tested and supported by IT experts, the service includes 200Gb of managed local and off-site backup. You don’t have to buy extra hardware to deploy it. And the monthly cost for the service is just $300.

Also, the service is scalable, so you can add capacity for just 80 centers per Gig. Or, if you want to reduce cost, archive or delete old information to meet your needs.

We’re standing by to answer any questions you may have. Contact us now.