What You Need to Know About Cloud to Stay Ahead

Staying in the know on the latest Cloud topics keeps you ahead of the game and provides extra leverage when talking business with customers. There are three hot topics that you should keep yourself informed about on a consistent basis.

Cloud Cost Optimization: running applications in the Cloud, providing value to businesses, all at the lowest cost possible. Cost for Cloud services and solutions range with each provider, which is why using providers in a cost-effective manner is beneficial to your company and your budget.

Containerization: software code is packaged with the operating system libraries and dependencies that are needed to run the software code. This package is called a container. These containers are more efficient than virtual machines and help create and deploy applications faster and more securely.

Hybrid Cloud: a mix of on-premise, private, and public Clouds. Hybrid Cloud gives companies better flexibility and offers more data deployment options. It also provides resiliency and interoperability because it allows for workloads to be run in multiple environments.

More than a brief rundown of these terms is needed to be fully in the know. If you want more information or have questions about cost optimization, containerization, and hybrid Cloud, please contact us today!